A Place for Fan Art and All Things Wolfsbaneous.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Werewolf, Baby!

SO. I don't read the comics these days but, they tell me Rahne is preggers. By Hrimhari. A-yep.

Whatever. Here's some only tangentially related lyrics but, doggone.

I feel my blood boil
I feel my spine coil
My hair is rippin
My mind is trippin
I am a monster
Can i come over?
Some kind of demon
To get you screaming

Werewolf Baby is all she really said
The moon went up and I went out of my head

She get on it
Like she want it
When the sun dies
Night is calling

She get on it
Like she want it
When the sun dies
Night is calling

I am the right one
When the night comes
A lonely hunter
You're falling under
That wicked feeling
Start believing
You are afflicted
By what the fangs did

Werewolf, Baby is she really said
The moon went up and I went out of my head

She get on it
Like she want it
When the sun dies
Night is calling

She get on it
Like she want it
When the sun dies
Night is calling

Even a pure man
Deep in his heart can
Turn to insane
From the wolfsbane
I am a monster
Can I come over?
Some kind of demon
To get you screaming

Werewolf Baby is she really said
the moon went up and I went out of my head
Werewolf Baby!
Brings her to her knees
Man to wolf is what she really needs

She get on it
Like she want it
When the sun dies
Night is calling

She get on it
Like she want it
When the sun dies
Night is calling


Thanks again to the contributors for taking the time to create and submit your fanart for the Wolfsbane Fanart Free-For-All 2009!

Four from Arkonbey

Here are Arkonbey's first submissions for the WFFFA 2009:

Arkonbey's blog

Drunken Rahne Sketch

By Ken Roeder.

More Big Glove

By Ken Roeder.

One Big Glove

Ken Roeder: "Either Rahne whupped Thanos for the Infinity Gauntlet or she clobbered Birdman with a special edition SockerBopper."


Fanart by Ken Roeder. Lyrics by Fireflight.

Rahne on the Road

Ken Roeder: "With a "road trip" theme in mind I went with what could be a cover image for a mini-series or graphic novel of Rahne's experiences on the road before she came back to the X-mansion as the bad-ass biker babe."

Ken's Shot at Twilight

Ken Roeder:"The Hollywood trend towards pretty boys as vampires and werewolves nauseates me to no end so here's my response…


Happy Days

By Ken Roeder.

Rahne's Leap of Faith

Ken Roeder: "One thing that especially bothers me in the X-titles is the complete lack of short but fun and frivolous story lines interspersed between the heavy, angst-drenched, blood and guts story lines.

This pic is a kind of ode to the old "New Mutants" weird adventure stories that is sorely lacking nowadays…"

Rahne's 27th Birthday

By Ken Roeder.


By Ken Roeder.

Rahne Swimsuit Edition

Ken Roeder:
"Remember those "Marvel Swimsuit" issues from the nineties? Ever notice how Jean Grey, Storm and especially Rogue dominated the pages? Even that kid with the figure of an ironing board, Jubilee, got better treatment than our favorite Scottish lass (who was relegated to a single appearance and only as a sight gag).

Justice is demanded and this submission goes at least a bit in that direction…"

Suicide Mission to Necrosha, Part 2

Suicide Mission to Necrosha - Part 1

By Ken Roeder.

Little Rahne Riding Hood

By Ken Roeder.